Halfway House:

What is a Halfway house?

Leaving primary care can be a daunting process both for the individual being discharged; as well as their loved ones.  Our Halfway House is a safe and therapeutic environment which helps our clients bridge the gap between primary care back into their normal life routines. 


What do we do?

Our objective is to provide our clients with the vital aftercare program and structure needed for their reintegration back into everyday life. Each client is assigned a board-certified addictions counsellor, who they will sit with weekly to work an individualized treatment plan tailored for their specific needs.

Transitioning into a life of recovery after leaving primary care can be challenging and scary, all too often the addict/alcoholic will be discharged from rehab only to find themselves back with the same people, problems and environments that trigger old behaviors. 

Importance of structure…

Which is why an environment offering structure and accountability is so important during early recovery, by incorporating therapeutic tools like random drug & alcohol screening, curfews to be adhered to, house duties, weekly planners etc. we teach our clients how to be accountable, structured and ultimately how take more responsibility in their live as a whole.

Learning to take responsibility…

We have dedicated many years of care and consideration into creating the structure and guidelines of the Cambridge House and its aftercare program; the reasoning behind that while developing personal responsibility is fundamental, it is necessary to monitor our residents so that we may provide the best assistance possible until such a time in their own recovery they are able to assist themselves.